Level OPTIMISE Tool V1.0

Coming soon!

A level-focused tool with 91 searches to help you find optimisation opportunities and potential bugs in your Unreal Engine 5 maps.
A couple of examples, run searches for; Lights that cast shadows, static meshes with no LODs, audio with volume overrides set and much more!

Project OPTIMISE tool V3.1


A project-focused Unreal Engine 5 tool which helps you identify potential problems and uncover optimization opportunities across your entire project’s content.

Above is an example of me using the tool to search my entire project for any static meshes that do not have LODs. As you can see it finds 59!

Why this exists: Over time it’s easy for lots of smaller issues to creep into your project without you ever realising. Things like missing collision on pickup meshes or missing sound classes on sound cues. While these problems might seem minor on their own, when they accumulate, they can harm the player’s experience just as much as a major bug could. Think of it as death by 1000 cuts (bugs).

With the same concept, as your game grows it is easy for small optimisation opportunities to be missed and build up to create a larger impact on your games framerate. Examples like sound concurrency limits missing on sounds or 2048 textures on small props. And so that is why this tool exists. I use it in my own projects to help me weed out issues and keep my projects as solid as possible.